One in a series of portraits of employees of KPN/TNT who are also successful in a sport: Klasina Seinstra, last female winner of the 'Elfstedentocht', a 200 kilometer speed skating race passing 11 cities on natural ice in the north of The Netherlands. Due to climate change, the race could not be organized the past 25 years.
client: TKP Pensions

Linde Klaver, dancer

Nina Fischer, dancer

Feri de Geus, choreagrapher
client: Grand Theatre Productions

Portrait of dancer Igor, shot during a session for the poster and other pre-publicity for the theatre production On Tour!! of the Club Guy & Roni dance company.
client: Grand Theatre Productions

Frédéric Hébrard, expert on the whiteness of paper at M-real
client: Lava/designer Majorie Kool

Tjibbe Veldkamp, writer

Albert van der Weide, visiting curator
client: Art Centre CBK Groningen/Esther Fledderman

Student of community music school Groningen portrayed in the school, following the concept created by De Jongens Ronner.
client: community music school Groningen, design studio De Jongens Ronner

Student of community music school Groningen portrayed in the school, following the concept created by De Jongens Ronner.
client: community music school Groningen, design studio De Jongens Ronner

Employee of community music school Groningen portrayed in the school, following the concept created by De Jongens Ronner.
client: community music school Groningen, design studio De Jongens Ronner

Wiebe Wieling, chairman of Royal 'Vereniging de Friesche Elf Steden' portrayed as Hamlet for the regular feature 'total make-over' in Tryater magazine.
client: theatre company Tryater, designer Else Boekema

A serie of portraits of occupants of a ten stories high apartment complex, where at that same time the Minerva Academy celebrated its 200th anniversary with an exhibition in empty apartments.
client: Minerva, Academy of Fine Arts

One in a series of portraits of employees of KPN/TNT who are also successful in a sport: Maarten Guijt, world champion catamaran sailing.
client: TKP Pensions

Portrait of designer/director Niek Kortekaas for a brochure celebrating 25 years of modern, innovative and experimental theatre and music, for which he created productions since year one.
client: Grand Theatre Productions

Portrait of designer/director Niek Kortekaas for a brochure celebrating 25 years of modern, innovative and experimental theatre and music, for which he created productions since year one.
client: Grand Theatre Productions

The first Forensic Research students in the city of Leeuwarden.
client: Bright magazine

Portrait of Marc Calon, province deputy spatial planning and living.
client: Province of Groningen

This photograph was shot in a agricultural setting as part of a series for an annual report.
client: Bureau Heffingen (the Dutch tax department of the Ministry of Agriculture)

One in a series of portraits of employees of KPN/TNT who are also successful in a sport: Piet Goossens, world champion in the bird species zebra finches.
client: TKP Pensions

A portrait of the two Belgium all time major cycling tv-commentators Michel Wuyts and José De Cauwer,
for the cover of the book ‘Praat maar vol, jongens!’, the complete transcript of their six hour report during the 2016 Olympic road race.
client: publisher Rake Eenvoud

Martin Bril, writer
client: Platform GRAS (a platform for architecture and urban development)

Soon to become prime minister Wim Kok during a media moment between coalition talks.
client: PvdA (political party in the Netherlands)