Adrien, a talented French architect and friend. One day he might be really famous…
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Valentina, who was my roommate for three months, truly multi-talented. Just to give an example: she baked weekly a completely new but always exceptional delicious cake, for her and us roommates. Her ambition is to be a the top of the bill master in the world of sewing. She'll get there and she'll be real famous, backstage.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Anna, famous in café Krom, my local bar.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Damiaan, an acclaimed theatre actor for over 25 years in Belgium. The most famous person in this series so far. But not really famous.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Arnout, top bartender and friend who almost killed me once while skiing. I don’t think he did it on purpose.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Evert Jan (EJ), mediocre welder but great guitar and harmonica player and friend. We both were born in the same region in The Netherlands: De Achterhoek. I hope the book ‘How EJ got married’ will make him rich and famous one day.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Back in the day a good friend and photographer with whom I made several photo trips over the years. He taught me more about photography than anybody ever did at the art academy. He, like Amedeo Modigliani , destroyed his archive because it made him unhappy. This is the most intense portrait I think I’ve ever done. Here everything came together without using any artificial tricks. The light, the camera, using Kodak Technical Pan film, the framing, the focus, the bokeh, the grey tones and the expression of my fellow photographer resulted in an intriguing portrait.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Olf, a friend who’s main talent is simply to be cool. To cool to become famous.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Peter, surfer/artist/soldier/World War I explorer, among other things.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Jan van Breda
Jan van Breda, a colleague. Well known in Amsterdam.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Jelena. When I first saw her she reminded me of Catherine Deneuve. I made this portrait twenty minutes after we first met over a cup of coffee.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Petra, Groningen’s most beautiful woman.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Chiel, a friend from the art academy days. Two of his painted self portraits are hanging in my living room. It should have been the beginning of a collection of his self portraits but he quit painting to become a captain on a tug.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Hilarius Hofstede, artist/writer and a soccer player with the velvet touch. Doesn’t speak American. Already has had way more than his 15 minutes of fame.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Anton, whom I used to come across in Groningen at least once a week when I lived there. Hope he’s doing fine.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

Don’t know this man’s name but I must have passed him ten times in this exact pose eating in a shoarma bar reading a newspaper. When I asked could I take his picture he kindly cooperated.
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film

My cousin Joop
a series of portraits I shot with my Pentax 6x7 II on Kodak Technical Pan film